Innovative Minds: Ankan Das

Sanford Middle School | 8th grade | 13 years old

A Shape Memory Alloy Based Intelligent Walking Robot For Inspection and Surveillance

About the Idea

Meet Ankan. Ankan created a mobile robot whose overall motion is generated by simple motions without having to use motors or gears.

Why did you enter the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?

The 3M Young Scientist Challenge is an excellent way for young students to showcase their projects and talents. I entered the 3M Young Scientist Challenge because I am passionate about aeronautics and robotics. I believe that this competition will allow me to showcase my invention and my skills in this field. I am also excited about the prospect of working with advanced scientists and engineers from 3M. I hope to share my invention with the world and make a positive impact.

What is your favorite invention of the last 100 years, and why?

The modern-day airplane is one of the most influential inventions of the past 100 years. Airplanes have played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the planet and facilitating global trade, tourism, and cultural exchange. Airplanes have transformed how we perceive distances and have led to major technological advancements, such as the invention of rockets and satellites. By connecting the world and helping progress space exploration, we have learned many new things about our planet and our universe, making it my favorite invention of the past 100 years.

In 15 years I hope to be...

In 15 years, I hope to become an Aerospace Engineer. I have been interested in robotics since elementary school, and I was exposed to the fascinating field of Aerospace and Aeronautics through my middle school curriculum. I envision myself as an engineer leading the design of new technologies, such as advanced rovers for space explorations and robots that keep our planet safe and make our tasks easier. I want to have a positive impact on society through my work.

"Nothing is impossible as long as you try."

Meet the Mentor

Dr. Rohit Gupta

Research Specialist

As a Product Development Specialist in the Automotive and Aerospace Division, Rohit focuses on engineering essential bonding solutions for assembling battery components in the electric vehicle domain.

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