Innovative Minds: Aakash Manaswi
Lake Highland Preparatory School | 8th grade | 15 years old
Carbon Dioxide to Save the Bees!
About the Idea
Meet Aakash. Aakash developed a natural treatment to save honeybee hives from being destroyed by the Varroa Mite.
Why did you enter the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?
I entered the 3M Young Scientist Challenge because currently, every beekeeper across the nation struggles with treating the varroa mite. When presenting my research to a local beekeeping club, I was astonished to find out that all of the beekeepers I talked to, spent hours upon hours treating for this single pest!
My main motive, however, was at the very start of my research. My brother conducted honeybee research and I tagged along with him on a visit to the apiary when I was in the 5th grade. I noticed almost half of the beehives were completely empty and when I asked the beekeeper, Mr. Griner, why they were empty. His answer was a single word: Varroa. I asked him, "Can't you just treat for them?" he began to tell me how time-consuming, energy-draining, and expensive the varroa mite treatment was and even said to me that he was struggling so much with treating for these mites that he didn't know how much longer he could keep up the practice of beekeeping before he quit!
It was because of this, that I too decided to try and chip in and help solve the beekeeping crisis. I entered the 3M Young Scientist Challenge because I have an idea, a prototype, and a solution. With the support and guidance of a 3M mentor, I believe we can refine and enhance this solution, potentially offering a more effective tool to beekeepers who have been grappling with this challenge for over five decades.
What is your favorite invention of the last 100 years, and why?
My favorite invention of the last 100 years is the Internet. Its development has transformed how we communicate, learn, and solve problems, making it one of the most impactful technological advancements in human history.
The Internet has democratized access to information, enabling more people than ever before to learn, grow, and contribute to society irrespective of their geographical location. It has revolutionized numerous fields, from education to medicine to business, facilitating innovations that continue to benefit society.
Furthermore, the Internet has been pivotal in connecting the global scientific community, allowing researchers and innovators to collaborate more effectively and accelerate the pace of scientific discovery. Its profound impact on information sharing and communication continues to inspire my interest in technology and its potential to address global challenges.
In 15 years I hope to be...
I hope to become an entomologist in 15 years, and continue to work toward the bee crisis, having patented products and peer-reviewed papers.

"Through the experiences of beekeepers I have been motivated to help out. Through the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, I hope to advance my prototype and contribute to a solution for the varroa mite that could solve the largest problem of our prized pollinators."
Meet the Mentor