Innovative Minds: Peyton Robertson
Pine Crest School | 5th grade | 13 years old
Salt Water Sandless Sandbag
About the Idea
Peyton’s invention of a more efficient sandbag to reduce salt water flood damage captured our judges’ attention.
Why did you enter the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?
The Davidson Young Scholars Program encouraged me to enter the Young Scientist Challenge.
What is your favorite invention of the last 100 years, and why?
I enjoy researching a problem or challenge and thinking through alternatives and creative solutions.
In 15 years I hope to be...
An Inventor. When my sisters were learning to ride a bike, I designed retractable training wheels with handle bar controls. Also, after playing at an out-of-state golf tournament on a cold day, I designed a golf ball warmer to preserve its temperature and performance in colder environments.

“Science is all around us. Ideas for new inventions come from my everyday life experiences. When my sisters were learning to ride a bike, I designed retractable training wheels with handle bar controls. After playing at an out-of-state golf tournament on a cold day, I designed a golf ball warmer to preserve its temperature and performance in colder environments.”