Innovative Minds: Deepika Karup

Fairgrounds Middle School | 8th grade | 14 years old

Photocatalytic Rod for Green and Sustainable Water Purification

About the Idea

Deepika created a cost effective and sustainable water-purification system which harnesses solar energy to disinfect contaminated water.

Why did you enter the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?

I really like finding science applications in everyday life, so when I heard of the Young Scientist Challenge, I was eager to participate. This year’s topic was also really interesting and got me thinking about how I could change the world. Being able to communicate my ideas to the world seemed like an exciting opportunity that I simply couldn’t miss!

What is your favorite invention of the last 100 years, and why?

There is so much science can tell us, yet there is so much more to be discovered. Science is very complex and there is never any limit to the amount that can be learned. I really enjoy the fact that with science, every new theory, innovation, or idea comes with more and more questions to be answered.

In 15 years I hope to be...

I would like to pursue a career in the medical field, specifically neurology. I am really fascinated by the human brain and its functions.

“'I created a cost effective and sustainable water-purification system which harnesses solar energy to disinfect contaminated water. Her innovation aims to help improve the lives of the 1.1 billion people around the world who lack access to clean drinking water.”''