Innovative Minds: Abby Simmons

Armorel High School | 8th grade grade | 13 years old

3D Printed Animal Prosthetic

About the Idea

This project utilizes 3D printing to create a functional prosthetic for an animal that would otherwise not be able to do something he was born to do. Peg, an Indian Runner duck, was rescued by his owner as a duckling after his foot was presumably bit off by a turtle while in a pond.

Why did you enter the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?

We believe that entering this challenge is a great way for students to learn about the different projects other students are doing and that you can potentially be a part of yourself. More people will be able to learn about the technology that students can work with in school. Through this challenge, students can identify what they are capable of through the examples of others.

What is your favorite invention of the last 100 years, and why?

The Laptop is my favorite invention from the last one hundred years. This electronic device is very useful for many people in the world today. Students, teachers, and business workers use laptop computers daily, which makes life easier in so many different ways. For example, I get to research and use it to learn wherever I go.

In 15 years I hope to be...

I hope to be an orthopedic surgeon in 15 years. This profession includes knowledge and work with bones, joint, muscles, nerves, arteries, and overlying skin. Orthopedic surgeons help with a wide variety of problems for people of all ages.

Do it today, because you never know if you’ll be able to do it tomorrow.