Innovative Minds: Yosef Granillo
Remington Traditional Elem Sch | 5th grade | 9 years old
Hydroponic Carbon Solution
About the Idea
Meet Yosef. Yosef developed a solution to mitigate earth’s rising temperatures by planting hydroponic trees in the ocean.
Why did you enter the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?
I developed a solution that uses a low tech, proven, technology for a big problem. The earth’s climate needs to be saved, and fast! Also, my teacher encouraged me to enter.
What is your favorite invention of the last 100 years, and why?
I would have to say the World Wide Web because it allows anyone in the world who has access to find out about anything.
In 15 years I hope to be...
a Ph.D. student in math or engineering at MIT.

To infinity to the power of infinity!
Meet the Mentor

Jeffrey Emslander
3M Corporate Scientist
From graphic films for vehicles and reflective materials on traffic signs to more energy-efficient construction materials, Jeffrey Emslander is helping create a greener planet.
Learn More