Innovative Minds: William Tan

Scarsdale Middle | 7th grade | 13 years old

AI Smart Artificial Reef (AISAR)

About the Idea

Meet William. William created an AI Smart Artificial Reef that encourages coral, seashells, kelp and other marine life to grow in a safe and controlled environment.

Why did you enter the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?

I think I can make a significant difference to the research community and create awareness that we can all play an important role in integrating modern technology with existing infrastructure to protect our environment. I hope to continue my research and work with many non profit organizations to implement AISAR.

What is your favorite invention of the last 100 years, and why?

Internet. It is my favorite invention because it has revolutionized so many aspects of our lives: information/knowledge access, communication, education, entertainment, and many more. We can learn almost everything at our fingertips.

In 15 years I hope to be...

A scientist or Astronaut in NASA

"In the quest for knowledge, each question asked is a step closer to understanding nature's mysteries"

Meet the Mentor

Deborah Isabelle

Product Engineering Specialist, Abrasives

A problem solver and team player, Deborah Isabelle works on developing new products in 3M’s Automotive Aftermarket Division. Deborah enjoys volunteering and chairing 3M’s Science Encouragement Program.

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