Meet Aakash. Aakash developed a natural treatment to save honeybee hives from being destroyed by the Varroa Mite.
Meet Ankan. Ankan created a mobile robot whose overall motion is generated by simple motions without having to use motors or gears.
Meet Hanna. Hanna created an AR experience by using constellation sonifer to scan AR markers that would identify the data through sound.
Meet Minula. Minula created a solution for storing energy for longer through organic compounds and a sulfur-based terhiophene.
Meet Prince. Prince created an innovative way to enhance the efficiency of Quantum Dot Solar Cells through quantum chemistry to combat CO2 pollution worldwide.
Meet Rithvik. Rithvik is creating a method to predict earthquakes using AI technology and identify sequences that will better forecast events in the future.
Meet Ronita. Ronita developed an alternative approach to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide by increasing the rate of photosynthesis with spirulina (blue green algae).
Meet Sirish. Sirish created a method to detect pesticide residue on consumable produce using an AI based handheld detector.
Meet Steven. Steven's innovation is ProkODE, a software that uses bioinformatics to predict how bacteria and archaea (prokaryotes) will interpret their static genomes into dynamic gene expression throughout development.
Meet William. William created an AI Smart Artificial Reef that encourages coral, seashells, kelp and other marine life to grow in a safe and controlled environment.
Hear from the 2024 Top Young Scientist Finalists as each presents their entry idea for the Annual Young Scientist Challenge.