\n {/* Breadcrumbs */}\n
  • \n Science Starters\n
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  • Science at Home
  • \n

Science at Home

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\n {/* Science at Home Intro */}\n
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\n These simple, ready-to-use experiments utilize common household\n items to reinforce core scientific principles. Each experiment\n includes information on how to include them in your classroom or\n distance learning curriculum and are taught by 3M scientists and\n special guests.\n

\n {/* Science at Home Grid */}\n
\n \n \n {/* Marshmallow Tower */}\n \n
\n \n

Marshmallow Tower


Have you ever wondered how skyscrapers can be so tall?


\n Or how people build bridges to span long distances? Explore\n engineering techniques to build sturdy structures using only\n marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* C02 Balloon */}\n \n
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\n CO2 Balloon\n


\n Baking soda and acid reactions in baking make things puff and\n rise.\n


\n But how could you use this same chemical reaction to blow up a\n balloon?\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* Elephant Toothpaste */}\n \n
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Elephant Toothpaste


\n Join Camille Schrier, a scientist who was crowned Miss America\n 2020, as she shows you how to make a chemical reaction so big\n it’s fit for elephants!\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n \n {/* Rainbow Bubble Snake */}\n \n
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Rainbow Bubble Snake


\n Everyone loves bubbles, but have you ever thought about how\n they form?\n


\n In this video, special guest, Kate the Chemist, shows you the\n science behind bubbles. With just a few simple materials,\n you’ll learn how to make a bright and colorful bubble snake\n using your breath, soap, water and a plastic water bottle.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* Fidget Spinner */}\n \n
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Fidget Spinner


\n Your teacher might not love when you have one in class, but\n the physics behind fidget spinners are truly head-spinning!\n


\n Join 3M scientist Tesha R.-Alston Dampier as she shows you how\n a spinning motion changes the way things move.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* Liquid Fireworks */}\n \n
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Liquid Fireworks


\n Join 3M scientist Jeff Payne as he uses nothing more than\n milk, dish soap, and a few other kitchen supplies to get the\n amazing effects of fireworks without using any fire at all.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n \n {/* Soap Boat */}\n \n
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Soap Boat


\n Join 3M Researcher Vasav Shani as he introduces you to the\n science of surface tension.\n


\n Not only is it only important  for many engineering and earth\n science processes, it also makes blowing bubbles possible.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* How Do We Breathe? */}\n \n
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How Do We Breathe?


How do our lungs work?


\n Follow along as special guest Dakota Dozier, an offensive\n lineman for the Minnesota Vikings, makes a model to show how\n air flows in and out of the lungs with ease.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* Bernoulli Balance */}\n \n
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Bernoulli Balance


\n A jetliner can weigh over 300 tons, so why doesn’t it just\n drop out of the air?\n


\n 3M’s SVP of Corporate Affairs, Denise Rutherford explains the\n Bernoulli principle and how without it, planes (and birds)\n couldn’t fly.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n \n {/* Push and Pull */}\n \n
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Push and Pull


\n Follow along with 3M’s Sam Reiss, as he shows you that\n magnetism is more than just a simple push and pull – it’s an\n example of the power of the earth itself.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* Diffusion with Miss America 2020 */}\n \n
\n \n

Diffusion with Miss America 2020


\n Ever wonder why things mix (or don’t mix) differently in\n different temperatures of water?\n


\n Join Camille Schrier, a scientist who was crowned Miss America\n 2020, as she explains diffusion and how substances move though\n water.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* Feeling Sound */}\n \n
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Feeling Sound


\n Believe it or not, you can feel sound! Join Gitanjali Rao,\n former Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge\n winner, as she teaches about the frequency of sound and how we\n perceive pitch.\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n \n {/* Inflation Station */}\n \n
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Inflation Station


\n Follow along with 3M’s Chief Science Advocate, Jayshree Seth,\n as she teaches students how chemistry can help put some air\n where it’s most needed!\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* Make Your Own Cotton-Ball Launcher */}\n \n
\n \n

Make Your Own Cotton-Ball Launcher


\n What can a rubber band and a cotton ball teach you about\n potential and kinetic energy?\n


\n Join Michael Lewandowski to make your own cotton-ball launcher\n and find out!\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n);\n\nexport default ScienceAtHome;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}