


\n \n


\n \n \n \n {calloutText} \n \n \n \n
\n);\n\nStudentQuote.propTypes = {\n image: PropTypes.string,\n name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n year: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n body: PropTypes.node,\n path: PropTypes.node,\n classNames: PropTypes.string,\n colorbar: PropTypes.string,\n calloutText: PropTypes.string,\n};\n\nexport default StudentQuote;\n","import React, { useRef } from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport Slider from 'react-slick';\nimport Image from '../Image';\nimport './styles.scss';\n\nconst Carousel = ({ settings, cards }) => {\n const slickSlider = useRef(null);\n\n const defaultSettings = {\n accessibility: true,\n dots: true,\n dotsClass: 'carousel__dots', // Dots navigation\n infinite: true,\n speed: 750,\n slidesToShow: 1,\n slidesToScroll: 1,\n autoplay: true,\n autoplaySpeed: 10000, // 10 seconds\n pauseOnHover: true,\n prependDots: (dots) => (\n \n ),\n };\n\n const sliderSettings = { ...defaultSettings, ...settings };\n\n const stopAutoplay = (e) => {\n // Check that a child button was clicked\n if (\n e.currentTarget.contains(e.target) &&\n !e.currentTarget.isSameNode(e.target)\n ) {\n slickSlider.current.slickPause();\n }\n };\n\n return (\n
\n \n {cards.map((card, i) => (\n
\n \n




\n ))}\n
\n );\n};\n\nCarousel.propTypes = {\n /** Override default settings. See https://react-slick.neostack.com/docs/api/ and http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/*/\n settings: PropTypes.object,\n cards: PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n image: PropTypes.string,\n title: PropTypes.string,\n text: PropTypes.string,\n }).isRequired\n ),\n};\n\nexport default Carousel;\n","import { Link } from 'gatsby';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport Carousel from '../components/Carousel';\nimport { Column, Container, Row } from '../components/Grid';\nimport Icon from '../components/Icon';\nimport Image from '../components/Image';\nimport Layout from '../components/Layout';\nimport Section from '../components/Section';\nimport StudentQuote from '../components/StudentQuote';\nimport OutboundLink from '../components/OutboundLink';\n\nconst IndexPage = () => (\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n

\n Bringing science to life through curiosity and innovation.\n

\n {/* Challenge Entry - When challenge entries are accepted */}\n \n \n \n

\n The 3M Young Scientist Challenge is now OPEN through May 1, 2025!\n \n

\n \n
\n {/* Meet Winners Banner - After voting is finished - reset link and swap h2s */}\n {/*

\n Congratulations to America’s Top Young Scientist!\n \n

*/}\n {/* Voting Banner - When voting starts - reset link and swap h2s */}\n {/*

\n Improving Lives Award Public Voting Now Open! VOTE DAILY\n \n

*/}\n {/* Intro Content Tryptic */}\n
\n \n \n

\n An Immersive STEM Portal, anchored by the award-winning annual 3M\n Young Scientist Challenge.\n

\n \n \n
\n \n

How to Enter the 3M Young Scientist Challenge


\n Submit your original idea with a 1–2 minute video for a chance\n to win $25,000 and an exclusive mentorship with a 3M\n Scientist.\n

\n \n Get Started \n \n
\n \n
\n \n

Science Starters


\n The 3M Young Scientist Challenge gives students a chance to\n develop new skills and transform an idea into a working\n prototype. Use these resources to help guide your scientists\n through the process.\n

\n \n Go Now \n \n
\n \n {/* Challenge Close Card */}\n
\n \n

\n Join Us For an Inspiration Session!\n


\n Looking for inspiration on your 3M Young Scientist Challenge entry? Join us for an Inspiration Session to kickstart your 3M Young Scientist Challenge journey!\n

\n \n Register Now \n \n
\n {/* About Young Scientist Lab */}\n
\n \n \n \n

About the Young Scientist Lab


\n Discovery Education and 3M have partnered to inspire the next\n generation of innovators through the{' '}\n Young Scientist Lab. Through K-8\n standards-aligned resources and at-home DIY science experiments,\n along with the award-winning annual 3M Young Scientist Challenge,\n the Young Scientist Lab seeks to remove barriers and create\n accessible STEM learning for middle school students.\n

\n \n \n \n Read More \n \n \n
\n {/* Hands-On Resources */}\n
\n \n \n \n

Hands-on Resources to Inspire Student Scientists


\n \n The world is your laboratory.\n \n
\n \n Bring science exploration to life wherever learning takes\n place—no laboratory required!\n
\n Dive into exciting real-world challenges using flexible digital\n resources designed for in class and beyond.\n

\n \n \n \n
\n \n

Ready-to-Use Classroom Resources


Bringing science to every classroom.


\n Engage students in real-world solution-seeking with\n standards-aligned activities, lesson plans, digital\n interactives and more.\n

\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n

Celebrating DIY Science


Accessible, at-home science education.


\n Dive into project-based learning opportunities with\n life-changing possibilities for students through the\n nation’s premier middle school science competition.\n

\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n

Science at Work


Experiments & applying science every day.


\n In a 3M laboratory, scientists come to work every day\n prepared to research information and explore new\n possibilities that impact the world and propel innovation to\n make our world a better place. Read on to learn more about\n the 3M Scientists!\n

\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n

Family Activities


\n Science is about ideas. Teaching is about bringing it to\n life.\n


\n Use these free parent activities to turn your home into a\n lab and let the magic of “doing” begin! Engage your students\n with topics relevant to their life to underscore the power\n of science that impacts our world, and more.\n

\n \n
\n {/* Improving Lives with Science - Entry Topic Carousel */}\n
\n \n \n \n

Change for Good

\n \n \n \n \n \n

\n Great ideas are born from tackling real-world challenges, and\n great things start happening in students’ lives when they apply\n problem-solving skills to issues that matter to them. Empower\n students to tackle important challenges in the 3M Young\n Scientist Challenge with student submissions aligned to one of\n six key areas of impact: Robotics, Home Improvement, Automotive,\n Safety, AR/VR, and Climate Tech.{' '}\n

\n \n Learn More \n \n
\n {/* Student Stories Quote */}\n
\n \n
\n);\n\nexport default IndexPage;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}